Sugar Coated


I haven't met many people as obsessed with candy as Derek Simpson. Whenever we're out there he's either scarfing down one of his favorite types of candy or raving about a new candy he found. In the end, we decided to make a 2018/2019 ski edit with a theme around sugar, so here is Sugar Coated.

May 20, 2019 by Tall T Productions

K-Baked Chronological


Kellan Baker and I spent some time filming around Summit County this season. We started out filming early season at Keystone and also spent some time at Breckenridge. We jumped around the two off and on throughout the season.

This video is edited in chronological order of the days that we linked up.

Filmed/Edited by Scott Klumb

May 02, 2018 by Tall T Productions

Derek Simpson - Day in the Park


Derek and I linked up the other day and filmed at Keystone's A51 Terrain Park. He said it was one of the best days of skiing park he's had in a long time and I would have to say it was one of my best days of filming park all season because of how hard he threw down and the good times we had. And what a better day to have that happen on then his 21st Birthday. Needless to say we stacked a lot of clips for a days worth of filming and decided to put this edit together.

Filmed/Edited by Scott Klumb

March 26, 2018 by Tall T Productions

Parker Norvell Early Season Colorado


Parker and I linked up a few times to film some early season skiing. We went to Arapahoe Basin and Keystone. We hiked a lot to stack footage, and then just this past weekend, A51 at Keystone opened allowing us to lap for the first time this season, which was a blast!!!

Filmed and Edited by Scott Klumb

December 12, 2017 by Tall T Productions

Jaron in Colorado


Jaron Stadler and Scott Klumb linked up this winter at Woodward Copper and A51 at Keystone to get some filming done. Here is some of the footage the two of them came up with.

Shot by: Scott Klumb (@smkmedia)

July 11, 2017 by Tall T Productions

Parker Norvell / Kellan Baker


Parker Norvell, Kellan Baker, and Scott Klumb linked up this Spring at Keystone and Breckenridge to film 2 days in Colorado's warm and slushy conditions.
June 08, 2017 by Tall T Productions

Tall T x Woodward Copper


Keegan Kilbride, Parker Norvell, Calvin Barrett and myself have been hard at work to produce this video representing one of their key sponsors, Tall T Productions, while collaborating with Woodward Copper and a day at Eldora's new Woodward terrain park. Keegan and I toughed it out at Eldora in -10 to -20 degree weather but made it worthwhile.

Anyways, enough talk, its time to watch the edit. Keegan, Parker, and Calvin killed it and a big thanks goes out to Tall T Productions, Woodward Copper, and Eldora Mountain Resort.

-Scott Klumb

 Filmed/Edited by Scott Klumb at SMK Media

February 17, 2017 by Tall T Productions