
Featuring: Andy Partridge, Ian King, Dylan Sondrup, Jake Mageau, Forster Meeks, Paddy Flanagan, Thomas Woodley, Chase Mohrman, and Christian Franchino.

Filmed by Oliver Hoblitzelle
Edited by Oliver Hoblitzelle & Sanch

Thank you to everyone who helped make this video possible especially Paul @ Tall T Productions.

November 13, 2018 by Tall T Productions

Paddy Flanagan Street Part ‘17


Another successful winter filming in the streets of Minnesota. Big thanks to all the homies that helped out at spots and made everything possible! Also, Michael Hibbs with the fire editing and animations! Shoutout to Tall T Productions and Pinewskis board shop.

Matt Kaye

Brandon Kirkland
Alex Kirkland 
Zak Peterson 
Eli Lamm 
Dan Pergrin

Editing and Animations 
Michael Hibbs

October 20, 2017 by Tall T Productions